Monday, April 11, 2011

Internet and Technology at UNCG

The Internet is vital to college students and professors at UNCG alike.  Every day we check our emails, log in to Blackboard for assignments, and in the course that I am writing this blog for, we make new posts and update our features regularly.  So it makes sense that the campus provides students with computers and technology in many places.  Some places I like to frequent include the physics library, Jackson Library's superlab, or the 15-minute computers on the first floor when I am in a hurry.  Below is a picture of the front desk in Jackson Library, where you can check out laptops, camcorders, headphones, calculators, and even iPads.

This is a scanner that library patrons can use to make copies of documents.  You can either print or save your scanned images to a USB flash drive.  I often see many people at the library who are not UNCG students, so it is a valuable resource for anyone who lives nearby, not just college kids.

This is a workstation for Unix computers that run SunOS.  As you can tell from the empty seats, not many people use these computers since most are better accustomed to user-friendly Windows.  I personally do not use these, because I have only minimal experience with Unix-like systems--mostly Linux.

This is one of many print stations in the "Superlab."  Default printing is double-sided to save paper, and there are specific centers for printing documents in color.

Well, there you have it.  My school is not the most highly technological place in the world, but we have everything we need, all at an affordable tuition price.  Jackson Library is one of my favorite places on campus, and it's easy to see why, considering the number of non-student patrons it attracts.  But when I choose to study in my dorm instead, I've always got my trusty ASUS U35F-X1 (in shiny black!) as my study-buddy. :D

- Heather

(Pictures taken with written permission from Jackson Library.)


  1. Jackson Library is indescribably helpful when my printer decides to die on me. Not only does it have computer terminals that let you print out stuff, the library lets you use its lcd screens to enlarge the content on your laptop. Nonetheless, I often find myself in the library studying for exams and writing papers.

  2. I actually commute to UNCG and end up spending a lot of my free time in a computer lab on campus. And the library lab is invaluable on days where I've got breaks and things I need to work on before later classes.
